Excerpt from “Courthouses of the Second Circuit”
The chapter below features the courthouses of the Western District of New York, and is an excerpt from Courthouses of the Second Circuit: Their Architecture, History, and Stories (2016, Federal Bar Foundation). Reproduced with permission of the Federal Bar Council.
Timeline of the District
Courthouse Construction Projects 2000-2025
Robert H. Jackson Courthouse Construction and Opening – November 2011
Construction of the new Robert H. Jackson Courthouse was completed in 2011. Originally, the design plans included a 142,000 square foot annex connecting to the Michael J. Dillion Courthouse. However, following the tragic events of 9/11, safety concerns prompted a change in plans. To meet the new safety standards, the project evolved into a completely freestanding structure, encompassing 261,000 square feet of new construction. The Courthouse was officially opened to the public on November 28, 2011.

Kenneth B. Keating Courthouse Construction Projects
Over the past decade, a series of renovation and space reorganization projects have been completed at the Keating Building to improve functionality and address the evolving needs of courthouse operations. In June 2012, the District Clerk’s Office and the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office were co-located on the 6thfloor, freeing up space on the 1st floor for a new District Courtroom and chambers, which were occupied in January 2017. The Probation Office was relocated from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor in June 2022, creating additional 1st floor space. In 2020, the Bankruptcy Court moved to the 2nd floor, and the adjacent courtroom was renovated into a bankruptcy/multipurpose courtroom, which was completed in March 2024. The need for courtroom renovations was greatly impacted by the need to update courtroom technology.
Renovation of the Keating lobby began on May 2, 2023, and is expected to be completed by the end of January 2025. The expanded entrance will better accommodate members of the public, attorneys, jurors, employees and others doing business in the federal building, as well as enhance the safety and security for all visiting the Keating Building.

Co-Location of US District Court and US Bankruptcy Court – October 2018
Starting in 2014, the Federal Judiciary adopted a “No Net New” policy, initiating a nationwide effort to contain costs by reducing rent payments and making innovative use of technology to foster the efficient use of existing office and courtroom space. The Western District of New York (WDNY) embraced this initiative early on by establishing a unified intake Clerk’s Office window for both the District and Bankruptcy Court in both courthouses, enabling members of the public to conduct court-related business at a single location. Staff from both court units share conference and meeting rooms, office equipment, and provide coverage for each unit when necessary. The redesign of both Clerk’s Offices modernized the work environment, incorporating improved ergonomic furniture to promote healthier workspaces. Co-location in Buffalo took place in 2018, and in Rochester in 2020. This co-location effort resulted in a reduction of approximately 17,000 square feet of leased space in the WDNY, benefiting the Federal Judiciary on a national level.